Walk your Way- My ramblings whilst rambling.
I'm a walker.
When my anxiety overwhelms- I walk.
When I don't want to pay to park near work- I walk.
When my stress levels soar- I walk.
When the post-Christmas exercise calls- I walk.
When Life keeps on Life-ing- I walk. I walk and I walk...
But it isn't everyday I decide to walk over a hundred kilometres, over six days, in four months time.
This is my journey towards the Camino Way...My way! My mind, body and soul- to sole. Why don't you come along for the ride?
Join me over on https://www.walkyourwaywow.com where I'm blogging on my ponderings, preparation (and panic!) on my path to Walking the Camino Way in May. I've reached a point in my life (some might say mid-life) where I feel strong enough to challenge myself physically and mentally, and embrace the change. Right now, I feel like I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, and a series of steps along recently trodden paths have lead to here...
Sober sea-change- how going alcohol-free has improved my motivation and drive.
Soul Safari- How I'm managing my Imposter Syndrome, Self-doubt, Self-sabotage and Fear to achieve my goals.
Sole shift- how Raynor Winn and Cheryl Strayed have spurred me on. Walk your way to wow!
Is there something you've always wanted to do, but talked yourself out of trying? What would you do if the feeling of 'not being good enough' wasn't blocking your path? What choices would you make now, if you were being brave?
These choices don't need to be momentous and life changing, but it would be good if they were just for you and nudged you outside of your comfort zone...
Is there a hobby you have always wanted to try?
Is there a job you really want to do?
A place you have always hoped to visit?
Or something you wish you could see/do/be?
Be Brave
Together we'll take the first steps.
Let's make 2022 the year of being brave, even though we may feel anything but.
