Outstanding Contribution Award: #SCBWIchat
Sooooooo... I won an award at the annual SCBWI conference for my contribution to member services for #scbwichat. When I say, I won an award, that's not strictly true... #scbwichat would not be what it is without the fabulous agents and editors who are so generous with both their time and their insights. And it certainly wouldn't be as successful without the brilliant SCBWI members who join me for the frantic fun. Thank you to everyone who has made #scbwichat what it is.
You can find out more about the SCBWI members who also received awards here:
And below is more information about #scbwichat and the award.

Member Services
Tizzie Frankish
Tizzie writes the 'Debut Diaries – One Year On' feature for Words & Pictures and also runs Twitterchat. #SCBWIchat has been an incredible success. Tizzie brings together stellar guests from the publishing industry and structures the evening through a scheduled Q&A to enable members to ask direct questions and get invaluable insights. The chats are fast-paced and busy – crammed full of top tips and support. Tizzie must have a million windows open and the fastest fingers in the world to keep up. Our Twitter handle has almost 10.5 thousand followers – I am sure in no small part to the hard work of Tizzie and her Twitter Chats. SCBWI innovation at it’s best. Thank you, Tizzie!