Debut Diaries- One Year On: Emma Read
Welcome to Debut Diaries—One Year On, where SCBWI-BI members share their highs (hopefully lots of these) and lows (hopefully fewer of these) of the post-publication year.
This month, Tizzie welcomes Emma Read, author of Milton the Mighty and Milton the Megastar, to join her for Afternoon Tea. After a whirlwind post-debut year, it’s a chance for Emma to put her feet up, and share her insights over a cuppa and some carefully chosen sweet treats, which reflect the mood of the months following life after debut.
Emma Read:
Thank you so much for inviting me to share the tastiest highlights of my debut year. As with all new ventures there have been ups and downs, but no one could have predicted how it would end. If nothing else, it will be memorable!
You can find out more about Emma's debut year here: