Mighty Writer After School Club:

"I love Mighty Writers because you have lots of cool challenges. Lots of children go because it's so amazing and fun."
Pippa (Year 3)
"Mighty Writers is great because Tizzie is really kind. It also lets me use my imagination when I write things"
Samana (Year 4 )
Mighty Writers helps me with my vocabulary. I liked acting as my character and describing him. Tizzie is super nice!"
Oli F (Year 4).
I love the fact that I can come to Mighty Writers. I love doing the drawings of our characters and mapping our worlds. I like getting my notebook and enjoyed the box activity."
Jaya (Year 3)
Mighty Writers is a really cool place! Tizzie brings in things to help us with our stories and we get to make our plans. It's great fun and we get stickers at the end.
Mia (Year 3)
I like Mighty Writers because I like writng and wanted to learn more. I like the idea of the imagination stones and the word wands. I especially like the bit where we moved like our characters! I loved drawing maps of our worlds and I am hoping to write a story about Spike. I would really recommend Mighty Writers for children who aren't doing it now.
George (Year 4)
My son has been taking part in Mighty Writers with Tizzie for past few weeks and has loved every second of it. It has really sparked his interest in literature and creative writing. He find the classes so interesting and it has motivated him to create short stories at home and in school and to create some fantastic pictures, setting scenes for his stories.
In his own words “Tizzie is awesome”. He has done many after school activities over the years but Mighty Writers is by far the activity he has most enjoyed.
It is fantastic as a parent to see him so engaged, and to be gaining some valuable skills for his future. Mighty Writers should be a must for every child, it seems to put the fun and excitement into reading and writing, and allows space for creativity and improves confidence.
Claire Douglas (Mum: Robbie Class 4C)
Mighty Writer School Workshops:
“I like Bag-o-rags because he’s sneaky!”
“Tizzie is kind and fun. We make different things every time.”
“Tizzie writes stories and reads them to us. My favourite is when she brings things in to show us, like the butterly.”
“I like making things to take home and show my Mum. I put lots of colours on them. The sock puppet was the best. He lives in my bedroom.”
“My class made a big, long snake that had loads of colours on it. We had to practice drawing different shapes in different colours. My piece was stripy. The teacher put it on the ceiling so it could watch us.”
“Tizzie is the best!”
“Tizzie tells us poems. She’s very clever!”
“It’s like a party at school.”
“I like Tizzie because she does fun things with us.”
“The spider was really tricky but it was fun to make. Tizzie and the teacher helped me make it.”
Quotes from children in Miss Antczack and Mrs Miller's Reception classes
Corpus Christi Catholic School, Coventry