Mighty Writer
After School Club
About Mighty Writers
My aim is to inspire the next generation of writers by nurturing both aspiring and reluctant writers in a relaxed and supportive environment. I will encourage creative thinking skills through original activities, positive guidance and feedback.
Through Mighty Writers the children can experience different types of fiction writing from poems and plays to stories and scripts.
During the sessions the children will:
Explore new ideas and stimulate your imagination through games and exercises
Experiment with words to improve storytelling and writing ability
Experience writing techniques to use in your own writing
Express individual ideas in a way that is unique to you
Examine and make improvements on your own work
Enjoy writing and the writing process
As a children’s writer, I will share my enthusiasm, experience, my own writing process and work collaboratively with young writers to build confidence and take their writing in a new direction.
There will be opportunities for the Mighty Writers to link with local Authors, Illustrators and Book Bloggers and work will be showcased through school displays, competitions and on the Your Stories section of the website.
Mighty Writer’s is enriching and educational, but most of all it is enjoyable and exciting!
The charge for Mighty Writers After School Club is £3.50 per child (minimum 10). The programme can be tailored to the needs of the children and the requirements of the school.
Please contact me on mightywriter@outlook.com if you are interested in setting up a Mighty Writers After School Club.
Mighty Writers Club also run at weekend and in the holidays. See workshops for more details.

"It is the writer who might catch the imagination of young people, and plant a seed that will flower and come to fruition."
Isaac Asimov
What the Mighty Writers say...
I like Mighty Writers because I like writng and wanted to learn more. I like the idea of the imagination stones and the word wands. I especially like the bit where we moved like our characters! I loved drawing maps of our worlds and I am hoping to write a story about Spike. I would really recommend Mighty Writers for children who aren't doing it now.
George Age 10 (Class 4C)
Mighty Writers is a really cool place! Tizzie brings in things to help us with our stories and we get to make our plans. It's great fun and we get stickers at the end.
Mia Age 8 (Class 3k)
What the parents say...
My son has been taking part in Mighty Writers with Tizzie for past few weeks and has loved every second of it. It has really sparked his interest in literature and creative writing. He find the classes so interesting and it has motivated him to create short stories at home and in school and to create some fantastic pictures, setting scenes for his stories.
In his own words “Tizzie is awesome”. He has done many after school activities over the years but Mighty Writers is by far the activity he has most enjoyed.
It is fantastic as a parent to see him so engaged, and to be gaining some valuable skills for his future. Mighty Writers should be a must for every child, it seems to put the fun and excitement into reading and writing, and allows space for creativity and improves confidence.
Claire Douglas (Mum: Robbie Class 4C)