New Year New Team

Happy New Year everyone. I hope this year brings you joy and prosperity. I have exciting news...
I have got the job of a feature writer for the awesome online Words and Pictures team. I'll be writing a regular feature called Debut Diaries_One Year On, where I get to chat to fabulous authors about how they navigated their first year as published authors. I have posted a snapshot of the feature team introductions and to find out more about the new feature writers team you can follow the link below.
This week co-editor Claire Watts welcomes our new regular feature writers to the Words & Pictures team. Let’s have a huge round of applause for all our fabulous new volunteers! And don’t forget, if YOU have anything you'd like to contribute to Words & Pictures, you can contact us using the address at the bottom of this post. As promised, here’s the rest of the new members of the Words & Pictures team this week, every one of them bursting with ideas and enthusiasm!
You can contact all our writers by emailing or contact Ellie and me at We’re always looking for ideas for features in Words & Pictures and, we’d love you to pass on to us your news, views and experiences so we can share them with SCBWI members.