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Teachers' 204

I have just had some super exciting news. The wonderful Writing West Midlands have selected me to be part of the very first Teacher's 204 Writing Development Programme. I am looking forward to accessing the wide range of support, mentoring and career development that is on offer and I am excited to meet the rest of the 16/17 cohort. You can find out who they are on:

For more information about Teachers' 204 or Room 204 you can see the information below or if you want to find out more about how you can apply, please click on the links below:

Teachers’ 204 is Writing West Midlands’ writer development programme exclusively for teachers.

Running in parallel with our Room 204 programme, we will select a small number of emerging teacher-writers from the West Midlands to work with us on a programme of creative career development.

Teachers’ 204 is intended for teachers and teaching assistants of primary, secondary, sixth form and FE who are also writers. Over the years, we’ve found that a sizeable minority of our Room 204 writers are teachers, and that they have specific development goals, as well as more strict time constraints. Teacher-writers are also often interested in how developing their own writing can impact on how they teach creative writing to their students.

Teachers’ 204 will run from July to June each year, in parallel with the academic year.

Meetings will take place at weekends and during holidays to allow for you to attend.

Each successful candidate will receive mentoring and career development worth over £1,000,

Writers will be chosen on the basis of the following:

· The quality of their writing

· Evidence of their commitment to writing professionally

· Demonstrable need for our support.

About Us:

Writing West Midlands is a regional literature development agency. We support creative writers and the development of creative writing and participation in creative writing activities in the West Midlands.

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