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Ann Evans: A Mighty Writer's Interview with an Author

Kiwi popsicle

1. What was the first book you ever wrote?

The first book I ever wrote was a romance, but it didn't get published, as it wasn't very good. So I had to keep practising my writing. I finally got my 7th book published! That was called Cry Danger, and it was an adventure story.

2. Why did you want to become an author?

I didn't plan on becoming an author. I just wanted to write stories for fun, and to read to my own children. So it was just my hobby. Then I started to get stories and non-fiction articles published – and then books! So before I knew it I was an author!

3. What is your favourite book that you have written?

My favourite book is The Beast. It's about the ghost of a sabre toothed tiger haunting a Scottish valley. I wrote two more follow on books, making it a trilogy. They were The Reawakening and Rampage.

4. How old were you when you wrote your first book?

I was in my 20s when I first started writing books.

5. How many books have you written?

I'm currently writing my 22nd book.

6. How many people have your books?

I'm not sure, but I've probably sold 30,000 books, or even more. Sometimes people tell me they have read my books, and that is lovely.

7. What book do you wish you had written and why?

I can't think of any books I wish I had written, but there's lots of books that I love which other authors have written. There are so many great authors and lovely books out there.

8. Who is your favourite character from your books?

My favourite character is Karbel from my Beast books. He is very dramatic and exciting – and very dangerous!

9. How often do you write?

I write (usually) every day. Sometimes I write for hours, and sometimes if I have to do other things, I only manage to write for a little while. I think it's important to write something every day.

10. Do you have a special writing place or do you write anywhere?

I have a little office where I go every day. I've also converted my smallest bedroom into a study where I write. And I like to write on my laptop in bed eating chocolate biscuits!

11. What do you like most about being an author?

I love writing, so it's lovely to enjoy your work. Also it's very exciting to see something you've written being published in a book or magazine. And I love going into schools to talk to children about writing, and helping them to become better writers.

Thank you for the excellent questions!

Lots of love and writing,


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