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My First Book Festival: Bourneville Book Festival

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On Saturday 21st March, Me and my brother James went to our first book festival in an old school right next to Cadbury World. I was excited because I would get to meet real life authors and illustrators.

The first author we saw was Ian Whybrow; the author Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs and lots of other different books, including Little Wolf. He read a poem from his Little Wolf book and it was about babies who cough, burp, poop. It made laugh.

Ian Eyebrow (that’s what my brother called him) read the story about when Harry goes to the dentist and it was the same book we took to the festival. We learnt lots of dinosaur actions for all the dinosaurs in Harry’s bucket. My favourite one was the T Rex. Afterwards, Ian signed our books and he borrowed my pen.

After Ian, we saw Korky Paul who is the illustrator of the Winne the Witch series. He drew a ‘Walky Tall’, which was a monster with an elephant’s trunk, chicken legs and a blue furry body. We all had magic tickets and he picked a winner from the sack. The winner took home thr picture of the ‘Walky Tall’. Korky did some more drawings of Winnie the Witch and a dinosaur portrait. I thought his drawings were brilliant and I liked the way the watercolours combined to make other colours and ‘happy accidents’ ( the little drips and smudges). The raffles were exciting, but it was a good job I didn’t win because I ate my ticket! Korky signed my brother’s Winnie the Witch book and my Fish Who Could Wish book.

The last workshop we went to was a drawing workshop where Julienne Durber drew some pictures of faces and a pirate. We drew our own pirates and my brother’s was very good- his pirate had a parrot and a treasure chest covered in spiders webs. I coloured a dragon and added some wings. My green and blue striped dragon breathed fire onto the castle and burned it down.

Before we went home we had a picnic and rolled down the hills at the school. Then we had an ice-cream and paddled in the stream in the park. I really enjoyed my day!

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